Monday, November 3, 2008

It's amazing how quickly time passes now that we have Addi to watch. She has changed so much in the last 4 months. Four months ago she was sleeping and eating...that's it. Now, she's much more interactive (though I'm glad she's still not mobile...that will come soon enough). Though Sandy and I have been trading a nasty, long lasting cold, we're doing just fine. We're both very much looking forward to seeing family for the holidays.

Addi's doing much better getting food to stay in
her mouth. It's very funny to watch her tongue working
so hard...backwards.

So happy to be on the counter.

On Halloween, wearing the bib that her Aunt Joy
sent to her. Yes, she loves her mummy.

For some reason, these pictures posted backwards. This is
how Addi looked after I rescued her.

This is what I saw when I walked out of the bathroom
after having heard her sqwaking. She was trapped.

Sleeping on Mama.

Adalie loves to be sitting up. She falls over alot, but
so far doesn't seem to mind.

1 comment:

Aunt Loraine said...

Dearest Sandy, Nicole, and Addie,
What a sweet baby girl you all have! How are you all? I'm doing well and so are Clay and Eric. Eric is in Boise and is going to be starting a new job with Dillards this week, he seems excited. Clay is doing well in school and really enjoys his classes and teacher. I'm still working at the dry cleaners. Tell me about what you guys are doing?
It has been chilly and cold here in Boise, winter is approaching.
Hope all continues to be well with you all.
Take care and be safe.
Love to you all,
Aunt Loraine.