Sunday, November 16, 2008


Adalie has really been wanting to sit up recently. Tonight she was sitting up all propped up on her little arms. We finally stuck the boppy behind her so that when she fell backwards, she didn't clock the back of her head. I think all of these pictures show her without the boppy. She got to practice not falling over and seemed quite content to just be sitting up. We are very excited for what is to come, though we're not quite ready to let go of the pre-mobile stage.

This one is my favorite - she's not really sitting - more
folded in half. But it's such a cute expression on her


Jon and Amy said...

Woah, such a big girl! :) Cute pictures, guys!

Dave and Cami said...

She's like a bobble head, but a bobble body instead. So ridiculously cute. I need a baby fix...can't wait for Christmas.