Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fun Pictures

These are the rest of the pictures so I'm caught up for tomorrow when she turns 5 months. :-)

Addi on the counter.

Adalie loves this book. She gets it stuck on her face
and then throws it off.

This is what Addi looks like when she's done being
on her tummy.

This is how she looks 5 seconds later when
she's distracted by something.

So much smiling


Aunt Loraine said...

Cute pictures, Addie is really growing up, how fun.
Love, Aunt Loraine

Aunt Loraine said...

Cute pictures, Addie is really growing up, how fun.
Love, Aunt Loraine

Aunt Loraine said...

My email is, drop me a line, love to hear from you all.