Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Four Month Appointment

Adalie had her four month appointment yesterday. She was peaceful and her regular great self (not knowing what was about to come). We learned that she is now 15lbs. 10oz. and 25 inches long. It's amazing to know that she's basically grown a little over 5 inches in four months. Can you imagine how huge we would be if we continued growing at that rate? Yikes!
The doctor declared Addi to be "perfect" and "so adorable". We like our doctor very much :-) Adalie then had her shots. She cried significantly more than at her two month appointment. I've heard it gets worse as kids gain some insight to the fact that you, their parent, are colluding with mean doctors to hurt them. This was the first time that her crying really affected me. Before this, I was able to let her know that she was ok. This time was much harder. I think because she started doing the sobbing thing and it sounded like me when I cry. Whew! I'm glad we're through with this for now...well at least until December 15th (six month appointment).


Dave and Cami said...

Oh how awful. I admit that this is one of the more scary thoughts I have about parenthood. That and vomit. Uff da! All I can say is, job well done mom. Keep it up!

Jon and Amy said...

Shots are no fun! And neither is hearing your child cry from pain. Sorry you had to endure that, but way to hang in there for Addi.