Sunday, October 5, 2008

Family Visits

This weekend, my (Nicole) parents were able to come visit. We had a wonderful time. Addi is beginning to talk more and more. She definitely wanted to talk to Grammy and Grandad about her day and life in general. She also has begun drooling like crazy! Fun times. We went out on the town a bit, but mostly stayed home. Our little family has been dealing with a pretty nasty cold, but managed to be well enough to enjoy a great visit.

Yeah, it's her thumb.

She's very serious

Addi and Grammy

Grandad, Grammy and Addi

Star-jammies and a superwoman pose...yup!

Momma, that flash is so bright

Family picture in front of a family picture


1 comment:

Jon and Amy said...

yay for family time!
She is SO darn cute, guys!
I loved looking at all your fun pictures and I'm glad you had such a great time with family here!
Miss ya-