Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Adalie's big day

This is how the evening started. We were trying to keep her awake a little longer - she's been waking up every morning at two - which is not the schedule we'd like to have :-) It turns out that Addi likes to be either upside down or flopping around. We then decided that it might be fun to try to feed her some rice cereal.

This is sweet Addi having her first bite of rice cereal. She thought the
the whole endeavor was very funny. She did manage to get
some of it down. Sandy and I had a great time.

Cereal mostly down her front.

Yeah, we definitely had to take a bath after.

She's starting to kick and splash in the bath. We have a good time.

Since most of the cereal went down her front, we're probably not going to try
this everyday. It was a valiant first try. We ended up putting the rest of the cereal
in her bottle. Then almost slept through the night (hurray for not waking up at two.)

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