Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Ultrasound

We had our second ultrasound today! Last time she was measuring about 6 days smaller than her gestational age. So, we had another one today just to make sure she's growing alright. She's still measuring about a week small. As long as she's healthy, I feel pretty good about a small baby and kind of hope she stays that way :-) I meet with the doctor tomorrow, so I'll know then if we're changing her due date. I really hope she comes close to when she's planned for (June 21st), because week later and she'll arrive with the Olympic Trials. She moved throughout this ultrasound too. In fact, she moves all the time. I had hopes of having a calm, slow moving baby :-), but it looks like we may get a very active baby! I'm enjoying the time now when she can move all around and she's really contained! I'm not sure if we'll have another ultrasound, but if we do, you can be sure there will be pictures here.

This is the front view of her little face.

Her face and her little hand.

Another profile