Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Papa's Singing

Sandy had a concert last night called 'Poetry and Song.' (or poetry in song?) Sheesh, well whatever it was called, Sandy sang first. During his singing, peanut started kicking as hard as I've felt yet. I was just delighted and have decided that she knows her papa's voice and was dancing along. What a precious moment. I'm excited for more precious moments after she has actually arrived.
Several people have asked if we have a name yet. I have been saying that we have 30 names. This is of course an exaggeration. We do, however, have a long list of names. We'll spread the word when we have one. We aren't too worried yet seeing as we have a few more months. If we still have a list of 30 by June, we may be asking for help :-)


Kenton Henry said...

How sweet! I remember Finn kicking a lot when I went to hear my dad play music for a jazz class. They really do seem to like to hear music, even through the womb. How neat that she knows her Papa's voice. :)

Jesse and Carolyn said...

That's so cool! Babies are awesome before they're even babies!
