Sunday, March 2, 2008

Wedding Fun

Sandy and I got to take a break from the regular weekend errand running to attend Tyler and Brittany's wedding (friends from church). Their wedding was beautiful and quickly jumped to the top of my short list of favorite weddings. They might win the prize for unique and meaningful. It's so encouraging to be a part of two people joining their lives together. I love it. I stole this picture from Katrina's blog -thanks Katrina. Sandy had been asked to sing in the wedding and sang beautifully. It was fun for me to have people hear him (most for the first time).

Crowned Tyler and Brittany

On a significantly less important note, while preparing (i.e. shopping) for this fantastic event, I learned a few facts about maternity clothes. First, I should have known that though it's difficult to find regular clothes for short people, it's almost impossible to find them for short and pregnant people. Apparently, there is not much of a market for petite, maternity clothes. Let's just say I laughed out loud several times in the dressing room at the silly fit of the dresses. The second thing I learned was that despite all of our training by Oprah and TLC's What Not to Wear, maternity clothes are often either shiny or have a huge busy print, or both. Giant print and shiny fabric does not a small pregnant profile make. Complaining aside, I was able to find an outfit (which I quite like). After hemming the pants 1/2 hour before the wedding, it worked rather well.

Sandy and I in our fancy duds

Amy caught us holding hands

Macey just really loves to eat her shoes!
She was quite content to sit and watch the
party with her cute little shoe in her mouth.

Nicole and Amy (the preggos)

1 comment:

The Benningtons said...

I think you looked adorable:)