Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Due date.....or due month?

I went to the doctor today as a follow up to my last ultrasound. She explained that peanut is growing very well, but that she is still measuring about 6 days smaller. That would mean that her due date is June 28th. Dr. Riley said that we won't move the date yet, so it's still June 21st, but that she could come two weeks either side of that. I know that that is the norm for due dates, but it sure makes planning harder :-) I like to know when things are going to happen. Anyway, everything is going well and for that we are very thankful!


GV Mom and Dad said...

Hi Kids, It sounds like "Peanut"
takes after Joy who did gymnastics my whole pregnancy. She walked at 11mos., and was an escape artist too. Welcome to the adventure of parenting Hee hee! We're glad that Nicole is feeling good. the photo of the two of you at the wedding is darling. We can't wait to see Nicole in person. Keep us posted on Sandy's recital date so that we can make our travel plans ASAP. Love, GV Mom and Dad

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Kenton Henry said...

Eeek! Only 99 days until your due date (or is it due month?!) :P So excited for you guys!

The Benningtons said...

You're in the double-day digits now... unbelieveable! Hope you're feeling well, Nicole!