I haven't posted on our little blog, so I thought it was about time. Sandy and I have different styles of writing which you will soon find. He is significantly more eloquent with the written word - you'll have to bear with me :-) I will agree with him about the surreal nature of getting ready to welcome a baby into the world. If I wasn't experiencing so many of the pregnancy signs, I would probably forget I am pregnant. Maybe that's why we experience so many changes in our bodies - to remind us we're already mothers taking care of these little lives.
So far we've been calling the baby "peanut." Baby Wolf and Baby Jemimiah are also names that have been suggested. We're sticking with peanut for now, but if anyone has a name you feel needs to be in the running, please let us know. We will enter it in the running.
Starting yesterday, I am getting to partake in another pregnancy joy......having a cold without the ability to take any medicine that actually works. Yup, Tylenol it is...oh, how I miss NyQuil. It's alright really. I keep telling peanut that s/he is worth it.
I should have known I would get sick. I'm getting to do a job I absolutely love - working with kids again. I had enjoyed two years of basically being cold-free when I was working with adults. I have been sneezed and coughed on more in the last month than the whole two previous years combined. Yummm!
Sorry to leave you on that note, but I've got to go lay down. Peanut and this cold are making me feel woozy.