Monday, September 24, 2007

Graduate school Year 2 day 1

How! I survived the first day back to school. It really hasn't been much of a break with the Italian course I took so I'm not too excited that summer is gone. I took GRE's last Friday and the prophecy was fulfilled, I'm terrible at standardized tests no matter how much studying I do or money I throw at training for higher scores. Math is basically the bane of my existence. I don't care about it at all. Needless to say I didn't do so hot and I'm a little worried if I do submit my GRE scores to University of Washington for admission they might laugh. At least University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne doesn't require GRE's if you have maintained a high GPA through college, so I have that going for me. I can really get into this blog thing what a great relief, huh? It isn't for sure yet but I am hopeful that I will be able to stay in Italiano 201 SO I can finish this Spring term. It will be a crazy year but very possible! As you can see I added my two favorite shows to the top of this blog. Yes, I am officially and old man!! I love History detectives and Antiques Roadshow! They are the coolest ever! Also, diet coke with Lime is climbing the charts! Nicole, my lover for life, is off at Bible study so I get to blog, prep for tomorrow, and start studying. Agh, so much school!

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