Monday, June 30, 2008

Two Weeks

Hurray, Adalie has been here for two weeks today! I have a handful of pictures of her (and friends), so I'll list them here. All is going well with our new little family. I'm having a hard time taking it as easy as I need to be. I love getting out of the house and seeing people or running errands. My body, however, is telling me that I need to be staying home a bit more....we'll see if I listen :-) Oh, and she has her two week Dr.'s appointment tomorrow, so I"ll let you know how she's doing.

Yes, she does sometimes open her eyes.

I try so hard to catch these little smiles. I know they're reflexes, but I love them.

What's not to love about a wee little foot.

Adalie has discovered her fingers. In this photo, she had found her thumb (which she was quite pleased with). But, she was a little annoyed with the other four fingers that were somehow in her face.

Flora and Henry came over to drop off some fruit. Henry decided that laying on the floor was not for him. Here are Addi and Flora...soo cute.

Sweet sleeping baby.

Ok, I LOVE this outfit. Nana Lindsay gave it to her and it is sooo cute. Today was the second day that she's worn it. Today is also the second day that Adalie has spit up ALL OVER IT. (Caps for emphasis). I'm just going to keep washing it and trying to get out of the house with her in it before she's too big.

She loves her fingers.


Oregon-Mama said...

She is BEAUTIFUL!!! Enjoy your little gift from God:)

Kenton Henry said...

Yay! She's great. I am amazed at how big Flora looks next to Addi. It just means that Addi is so so little! :) We can't wait to see you all again!

LibrarianLady said...

I'm so happy to see your little sweet pea, she is sooo beautiful. Don't forget I get to help change clothes and brush hair! Hope you have a great summer with Addi and I can't wait to suggest books for her nighttime stories.
Your other librarian- Anne

Jesse and Carolyn said...

What a doll! She's wonderful. Flora's pretty cute too!