Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Confessions of a Short-Hair Girl

Last fall I once again decided to grow out my hair. It is the decision I make most every fall. I make the same decision because very short hair is quite cold in the winter and I do not look good in hats. I also decided this year to grow it out “just one more time” before having it short forever. You see, I am a short-hair girl. I have known this for some time, though have continued to fight it.

Last fall, I asked Katrina and Amy to help support me through growing my hair out. Their job was to talk me out of cutting my hair when I felt myself giving in. They did remarkably well and as a result, my hair was the longest it has been in 7 years.

I say “was” because I learned something while preparing for labor. I learned that I cannot go from ‘pixie’ to ponytail in nine months. I learned that I can not pull my hair back into a pony tail – but rather the double pony from 1992. Alas, jr. high is not the look I am going for.

So, I cut my hair. I feel so much more like myself. Hurray for being a short-hair girl. Thank you to Amy and Katrina for your valiant efforts. Hopefully, I will have learned my lesson and will buy a cute hat sometime this fall. J

Hurray for short hair again!!!

Papa and the baby

Sacked out on Grammy

Her eyes are not open :-)


Kenton Henry said...

You crazy girl! You didn't even give me the chance to talk you out of it. Good thing you pull off the pixie cut so well! ;) But I'm afraid I can't support you if you don't communicate with me. :P

Heather McLain said...

This from the girl who had about the second-longest hair I've ever seen (Jedi holding first-place) the first time I met you! The pixie cut seems more "Nicole" now though. I saw it getting progressively longer in your pictures and was wondering how long it would take you to hack it off :)

Jon and Amy said...

Weak, that is what you are, Weak! Haha - just kidddin' I know it's quite a commitment to grow your hair out, especially from pixie length- but you're a mommy now and I think like 90% of new moms cut their hair after they have a baby- it's like a right of passage! haha I know I cut my hair right away- Anyway, I give you props for giving it a valiant effort- you look great no matter what, Nicole! It's not your fault you're so weak... :)

Dave and Cami said...

hottie matottie mommy...that's what you are. From one "short hair girl" to another...HOORAY!!! You look fantastic.