Friday, June 20, 2008

Bring Adalie Home

Hello all! Here's the fun baby update. We were able to bring Addi home on Wednesday after much waiting. It turns out that there's a lot to do before leaving the hospital :-) Sandy's parents helped us get home and then had to leave. They are very excited about coming back for Sandy's recital. My mom was able to stay here and help - thank goodness.
We've so been enjoying our sweet girl. She is rather amazing. She sleeps all the time and makes the most wonderful little lovey noises. When we first got home, she was quite full of air and did not like to be on her back. Her carseat has become her temporary bed. We have been seriously spoiled. She's such a good sleeper (when her little belly is not full of air).
My dad drove up last night and we had a great day with the five of us. We all ventured out to run some errands today. Addi did very well and slept the whole time. She makes some of the cutest little noises when she is waking up, so we have enough time to get home before we're in trouble. After dinner we ventured out to Alton Baker park. I have been wanting to go on a walk for months without being able to. It was wonderful. We ran into several groups of jr. highers from First Baptist on a video scavenger hunt. It turns out they needed someone pushing a stroller. We were happy to help. We also saw a Nutria. S/he was swimming around the duck pond. It came out of the water right by us. We have been on several walks with my parents since we moved here four years ago trying to see one. Tonight we succeeded. Ew!
We are looking forward to introducing her to all of you soon (next week :-) Thanks for all of your prayers and support. We'll be a little off the radar for awhile, but sure like you a lot!!!

Mom holding Adalie after we got home.


Seriously Cute.

Addi doing one of her favorite things.

New family on a walk....hurray!
Adalie is seriously covered up because
she HATES the sun in her eyes (naturally)
and there were mosquitos.

The Nutria


Kenton Henry said...

Yay! Welcome home. She's very sweet! Such a cutie. Way to venture out into the real world a bit!

Jesse and Carolyn said...

You guys are all so cute. Except the nutria. Gross. I'm really impressed you guys did so much after you got home! Good for you! It was great seeing you and meeting Adalie this week. Hope we can see Sandy soon too! :)

Jon and Amy said...

Come on, Nutria are so cute! :)
Great pictures, guys! I love seeing the little updates and hearing all about your sweet baby girl! Can't wait to see you all again- Have fun with your parents in town!