Monday, February 22, 2010

The Olympics

Ok, so I LOVE a good theme party. It's been a very long time since I've been involved in an awesome one. Mostly because I've moved too far away from Brad. I decided that even though I don't live near my fun inspiration does not mean that I cannot have fun or that fun people aren't here....because they are. I decided that an Olympics party would be perfect. We planned and planned and made a lot of cupcakes and then we were ready. So much fun was had by all. The basic premise was that each family was a different country (real or made up). You pretty much just have to see the pictures for this one.
The most amazing thing EVER.
Five different flavors of cupcakes...that's right...Amazing.
Our awesome shirts. We were the PRE or
People's Republic of Eugene...that's right.

Here's the back. I moved my hair too :-)

Goofy photo
Finland decorating their flag
Italy where I learned all women have facial hair.
Adalie and Jamaican Hudson
Our parade of Nations..that's right, I said parade.
Sandy humored me and played the Olympic theme song
on his trumpet during the parade. He's a very good husband.

The Jamaican bobsled team
The events begin as I rock the neck hula-hoop
Italy and the Republic of Riley go for the bonus
of a successful pass of the hoop...oooh, bold choice.
Eileen, Emily and Nicole
Bowling extravaganza
Katie showing Hudson some cross-cultural
Addi watching and learning from Jackson
The Royal Family of Djibouti rocks the hula hoop.
The Rasta from Jamaica rocking the gold medal.
An angry Italian
32 pair of shoes

It takes awhile to blow out all of those candles.
Picnic dinner
Digging in

These are the medal recipients for:
Hula Hooping
Ski Jump and

Republic of Riley

Thank you all for celebrating with me. I had a wonderful time.
Thank you.

1 comment:

Kenton Henry said...

Wow. That is pretty amazing. Also, very brave Sandy leading the parade there blowing his trumpet. Unbelievable. :)