Monday, February 15, 2010

Christmas Adventure Part One

Ok, so for Christmas, we had two weeks off. We actually left town on Friday the 18th and drove to Eugene. We had decided that since we were flying out of Portland, we could spend a few days in Eugene first. On the drive Adalie discovered that she is very funny and put her doll on her head over and over again. We laughed everytime. We spent a few days staying with the Greens. We managed to time it so that all three Green kids got sick pretty much on our way to Eugene. We decided to risk and and the three of us ended up sick for the rest of the trip. Amy is officially absolved of any responsibility - she gave us fair warning and we chose for danger. It turns out that Addi and Emma LOVE to put toys in their mouths and LOVE to share. Ah well, we're better now :-)

Amy holding a sick Emma and Addi who is so
happy to be out of the car.

This is one of my favorite pictures. Emma as the youngest of three can hold her own. She loved to give Addi hugs. Emma is (big suprise) taller than Addi, so she hugged Addi around the neck. Addi would say, "No, no....Mama." Over the few days we were there, Addi learned that if Emma was heading for her, she just needed to run in circles for a second to divert Emma. They had worked out a truce by the third day, but this picture is day one.
This is their band photo.
Emma is a goof.

Emma was showing Adalie how to use her cool toys.

Emma doing "the face."
Amy and I would be talking and think, "Hmm, we should check on the kids." So often, we'd go into Emma's room and see this. They played so well together.

Once Addi figured out Emma's hugs, she decided it was safe
to tickle her tummy.

Feeding four kids sure fills up the kitchen (Macey is sitting by Ethan)
On Saturday, Amy and I took all of the kids to the mall
to walk around. It was sooo great getting to do two of
our favorite past-times...walking and talking.

Addi walking around Grace.


Sleepy girl
Sandy, Nicole and Adalie in front of the big tree at church.

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