Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow Day...Hurray!

We started hearing about a possible snow day last Thursday. On Friday, as the teachers left, we all said, "See you on Tuesday." I feared that we had jinxed ourselves. My fears were on their way to being confirmed last night. Before going to bed, I looked out of my window...nothing. I thought, "Ah, well, maybe next time." :-) Addi decided that 1:45-3:00 was a good time to be awake. I looked out the window and..hurray...snow. I was hopeful, but not for sure. Then, we were up again at 5:00. This time I turned on the news. As the school closures slowly crawled across the screen, I waited patiently. Then, there it was. School was closed! Whoo-hoo. I get to have another day home with Sandy and Adalie. These are my very favorite days. I've been able to work on some Christmas presents while she's sleeping. Then, when she's awake, we've been chronicling her adventures. I hope that you too have a snow day...enjoy!

Yes, this is Addi eating Sandy's (clean) sock.

She means it. She sort of bites things like a shark.

Someday I am going to get a lecture about this hat. Addi
will say, "Mom, seriously?" The whole outfit/blanekt combo
is less than ideal - I will admit. I was just caught up
in the excitement of seeing snow....maybe she'll buy it.

Girl knows she's hip

Adalie and Sandy

Adalie and Nicole

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