Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Six Months

Adalie is six months old today! As I write this she is attempted to scoot across the floor. It turns out that she does not like being on her tummy, but she is an excellent sitter. So, she's trying to scoot. It's amazing to me how much she grown and learned in the last six months. Those months have flown by. It'll be summer before I know it. I just wanted to let you all know about her six month appointment yesterday. Her are her stats:

Height: 26" - 61%
Weight: 17lbs. - 71%
Head: 17.5" - 93% (she's got a big noggin)

She managed her shots quite well, though was her typical, fussy self afterwords. She slept through the night, which we love so very much. We're settling in to a sleep schedule, which we're pretty excited about - though we have doubt it will change. I (Nicole) am enjoying my second snow day - I absolutely love being home with her.

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