Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's a Girl!!!!

Hurray! We had our first ultrasound yesterday - and we're having a girl. We would have posted these pictures, but the process of getting these scanned was making me cranky :-) We found out that she is growing perfectly and that every thing looks good. She's measuring about six days smaller, so we're going to do another ultrasound in four weeks just to make sure all is well. During the ultrasound, she was really active. She like to wave her little hand around, but kept her feet tucked up under her most of the time.

Her sweet little profile

I like to call this pictures, "Power to the people."
She had her hands up by her face during
most of the ultrasound.

Waving hello

Her two cute little feet.

We're excited to get ready for her. We're starting to realize that time is getting shorter and we have a lot to do. But, we're up for the challenge and have to remember that we don't have to have everything ready tomorrow :-) We'll keep you updated and hopefully we'll have more pictures in four weeks.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Snow and Fun Friends!

This is a belated entry about last week and this weekend. I have all of this glorious time because all the schools in Lane County are closed - which means no work for me! I should say all the schools in Lane County are closed EXCEPT U of O which is why Sandy is not writing this. Poor Sandy still has school :-(
Well, onto the report. The first big thing that happend this week was that I felt Peanut move! I was sitting at work and there s/he was. It felt like someone was gently poking my tummy from the inside. Since then I've felt P alot - usually late morning and late afternoon. S/he's just pokin' around in there having a blast. We're excited for this next week because on Wednesday we get to find out if we're having a girl peanut or a boy peanut. We'll be sure to let you know (hurray for settling on a pronoun!
The weekend began with our friends Brad and Jen coming to visit from Portland. We hung out on Friday night - it was pretty mellow because I am still recovering from being sick. They are two of my dearest friends and I love when we get to spend time together. On Saturday Brad went off to teach at a leadership conference while Jen and I went to Katrina's. We had a blast at her Arbonne party; my feet and hands are still so very soft :-) She made amazing goodies - for a recipe for her (now) world famous coffee cake muffins, please see the Henry's blog. After goodies and pampering, Jen and I went to the Glenwood to meet Brad and Jolyn. The morning was so fun and I was sooooo tired after lunch. Brad and Jen took off back up to Portland and I was lazy some more :-)
On Sunday we woke up to real snow! It's just sooo pretty and it reminds me of home! After church while Sandy was at work, I went over to Jon and Amy's for our annual snow day. We played outside and I took Amy for a practice drive in the snow.
Which brings us to today. I am thankful for a snow day as I will be able to get caught up on some much delayed paperwork and some things around the house! Hurray for snow!!!!

Me, Brad and Jen - soooo pretty!

Sunday Morning - Still Snowing!

Sandy and I outside (still in our slippers)
standing on the edge of our pretty, pretty snow.

Reading to Ethan and Macey!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

We decided to go "just look" at cribs and somehow managed to buy one :-) We found a set that includes a crib, changing table and a dresser. Sandy and I have this (not so) funny habit of thinking that things fit in the trunk of our car when in fact, they do not. Fortunately, Sandy was prepared. We tied the trunk as closed as it was going to be and drove home with a giant box sticking out of the back. I am no longer able to help Sandy carry heavy things, but he managed to get the thing in the house. Sandy enjoys having projects, so this was perfect. He put two of the three together and then stopped because we realized that we don't have a place to put the crib yet. We got a little ahead of ourselves with nesting. We'll need to make a little more room before the office becomes the baby's room. It is such a nice feeling though to begin to physically prepare our little home for peanut to join us.
While Sandy prepared by building furniture, I prepared by napping. I LOVE napping and have the best excuse's for the baby!


Sandy, in the dresser

Sandy building drawers!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Waiting patiently for Peanut

I'm happy to say that I've been feeling so much better. Soon there should be more pictures on our blog - we know it's been a little sparse! Anyway, today we got to go to the doctor again. Hearing the heartbeat was amazing...again! We are looking forward to the ultrasound which happens in three weeks. I am so excited to get the first glimpse of our little one - and I'm hopeful that we'll get to find out if we're having a boy or a girl.
They told me that before the ultrasound I have to drink 24oz. of water in about half an hour and then, as the receptionist at the doctor's office said, "Hold it."........ for two hours. I actually laughed at her. She said to do my best and that if I was full of water, it's easier for the ultrasound to see. Whew! I will continue to try not to overshare (as is my tendency) throughout this process, but I'll let you know how everything goes.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Good times for the holidays

Walla Walla Family photo! Nicole has finally started to feel human again. I was a bit worried for awhile because she had the flu while we visited my family. We've loved seeing the family fun you all have had over the holidays. We've missed our Eugene friends very much.

Happy New Year!!!