Saturday, January 12, 2008

We decided to go "just look" at cribs and somehow managed to buy one :-) We found a set that includes a crib, changing table and a dresser. Sandy and I have this (not so) funny habit of thinking that things fit in the trunk of our car when in fact, they do not. Fortunately, Sandy was prepared. We tied the trunk as closed as it was going to be and drove home with a giant box sticking out of the back. I am no longer able to help Sandy carry heavy things, but he managed to get the thing in the house. Sandy enjoys having projects, so this was perfect. He put two of the three together and then stopped because we realized that we don't have a place to put the crib yet. We got a little ahead of ourselves with nesting. We'll need to make a little more room before the office becomes the baby's room. It is such a nice feeling though to begin to physically prepare our little home for peanut to join us.
While Sandy prepared by building furniture, I prepared by napping. I LOVE napping and have the best excuse's for the baby!


Sandy, in the dresser

Sandy building drawers!

1 comment:

Jesse and Carolyn said...

Hey Miller Fam!!! It's good to see you back in cyberspace! We had stopped checking a while ago, but now we'll make it a regular stop when we get internet! Congrats on the peanut! Due in June, huh? That's crazy! Eugene is going to be over-run with babies by the time we get back! We're going to have to get cracking! I think I like to use exclamation points a bit too much! Carolyn wants to see pictures of Nicole's belly, if she has one yet! I hope school is going well for you and work is going well for Nicole. We miss you guys a bunch and can't wait to get back and hang out again! Anyhow, Take Care!
