Monday, May 21, 2012

Nana and Pops

We were fortunate enough to have Sandy's parents, heretofore known as Nana and Pops with us for the first week! It was wonderful having them here and now we are all sad all over again that we don't live closer. We had a wonderful time sitting, playing and finding projects for Pops to work on. (Thanks for fixing our brakes, blinds, airconditioner and dishwasher :-) Because we won't see them for Addi's birthday in June, she got to open some of her presents early. Fun, fun.

A bubble maker for the bath (more photos to follow). 

Nana and Addi playing with Addi's new playdo cake maker.

New puzzle clock. Addi really likes to tell time
(like: "It's 18:40 o'clock).....we're working on it :-)

New clothes...perfect.

shape fun.

Pops might be the very best pony of all time.

...wait, maybe he's the best alien of all time...

Pops sharing his birthday balloon with Addi.

Nana and Josie

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