Saturday, January 2, 2010

Thanksgiving in Adrian

This year we took Thanksgiving to my grandparent's house in Adrian, OR. I hadn't seen the house since it was finished, so it was a special treat for me. Addi did well on the drive which is always a plus :-). Nana and Pappy have a beautiful loft house. It was a little tricky getting Adalie to sleep when she could hear us having fun. There was a lot of "No, mama" and "Mama, up".
After the first night, she got it figured out and did pretty well. We had two full days of food and some good visiting. I was able to use our new camera (because I left the other one on the plane in October..sheesh) to take some good videos of Nana and Pappy telling family stories from their childhoods. I won't post them here, but they are treasures.

Addi on a rare break from her car seat when
we stopped at the grocery store to get ice cream.
We didn't have a cooler, so dad tied it to the top of the car
with the luggage rack.
Grammy and Adalie at Nana and Pappy's house.
Everybody cooking

Pappy carving the turkey
Our little family

Mom and Dad (or rather, Dad and Mom)
Addi's fun game with her new remote

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