Monday, May 25, 2009

First Presents

Sandy's parents, Warren and Lindsay (Grandpops and Nana) came for a visit this weekend. They volunteered to watch Addi on Friday while Mama and Papa were at work. They all had a blast. (Thanks Nana and Pops). So many of our visits with family are short and it was nice to have more than one day to spend with them. We went on a walk, ran errands and did a LOT of playing. Adalie is getting better and better at standing. She cruises along anything she can grab and has taken some more steps (with help). On the first night they were here we did some early birthday presents. They gave Addi some blocks which she loves to dump out and chew on :-) The hit of the evening was something called a bug jug. It has four different bugs in it that Addi can pull out and of course, chew on! She loves it. Nana also made Adalie a card (which she laminated so Addi wouldn't ruin it by chewing on smart). Fun was had by all! Thanks for the great visit.

Happy early birthday Adalie
(The card from Nana)

Opening blocks

Opening the beach towel and fun jungle bib

Papa is very excited :-)

Yay bugs!!!!

Bugs are no problem for explorer Addi.

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