Saturday, March 26, 2011


Well, hello everyone. Here is the (apparently) quarterly update for the blog. We've had kind of a lot happen this winter and today I have time to share some of our experiences and pictures. Enjoy

Addi started potty training this winter.
We started in the living room, but soon had
to move the festivities to the bathroom because
she would sit for an hour. Me- "Addi, are you done?"
Addi - "No, not yet." :-)
Our girl is solidly into necklaces, princesses
and all things pretty.

She's still getting the logistics down!

This is our winter trip to Tri-Cities (and our Target
that's an hour away...that's right). This is Addi on the
potty chair in the back seat. Note to self - if
we put the potty in the car, we need to have
a plan for when she's successful.

Addi's new dresser - that belongs to her mama
and her grandad when they were litte.
It's the perfect hiding place.

Not the first haircut, but I still needed to take pictures.
Don't judge me, those of you who cut your
own kids' hair :-) not all of us have very
good hand/sissor coordination. Trust me,
this is for the best.
She doesn't look like she's having a good time,
but that's just because she's looking at herself
so intently. When Brittany was done, Addi
asked her to cut her hair again.

I Love this picture!

Mama and Addi playdo fun

Addi "pretend" eating her playdo food.

Most of you know that in January, I had surgery for an ectopic pregnancy. Long story short, I was off work for two weeks. Somewhere in there, Jaime Riley came over with the kids to play. We had a wonderful visit, and the kids had a great time getting all dressed up. Dress up started when Jonas came out in Addi's tutu and her light up, sparkly shoes :-) Thanks Jaime for letting me take a picture!

In February, over my birthday weekend, Addi and I took a road trip to Eugene and Portland to see friends. As usual, most of the pictures are on Amy's camera, so I only have a few. I had so much fun beeing with my best friends that weekend. The highlight was probably when we realized that our plan to have the two - two year olds sleep in the same room wasn't going to work.
A brief transcript (we video taped the monitor because it was so funny.
Addi was crying, saying, "I need my mama."
Emma was in her crib saying, "It's ok, I need my mama. My mama's name is A---M--Y."
Addi - Oh, Emma, you're so silly.
(laughing for about 30 seconds)
Emma - "So, Addi, do you need your mama?"
(Addi cries)
At one point, Emma says, "Addi, just get out." She said this because Addi had been crying while laying on a mattress on the floor
Addi - "Oh yeah, I can get out because I'm not tired.....wait, I can't get out....I am tired (more crying).
Finally, about 45-minutes in, Addi finally crawls out of bed and comes to get me.
Lession learned: Two years old is too young for a slumber party!
These pictures are when we were playing in the nursery
at Grace while the twins were in preschool.

Emma and her baby.

Addi at the bottom of the slide

Then, we went to Portland and stayed with our dear
friends Jen and Brian. On Saturday night (my birthday)
we met up with some of my very favorite people ever..Brad, Kimmy and Ann
at Ruby Tuesdays and good times were had by all.
I miss you all and am so glad to have seen you

Addi wresting with Papa.

This ended with her rolling off to the side. She didn't
get hurt and it was very funny.

These next pictures were taken by Addi in
her first camera adventure.

Oops, Camera facing the wrong way.

We're learning to crouch down, so we fit into the picture.

1 comment:

Dave and Cami said...

LOVE it! Thank you for venturing out to share some wonderful pictures and stories! Do you have that video of the conversation between Addi and Emma? Dave REALLY wants to hear it.