Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Baby snuggles and Snavely famikly

We were able to spend our traditional weekend with our Snavely Family Reunion. It's pretty much the one chance we get to see our cousins. We were able to stay at a beautiful retreat center. We enjoyed hiking, playing outside, playing games and just spending time together. There were more people there than just the kids, but they seem to be the only ones I have pictures of :-)

Addi and cousin Jordyn

Hiking with cousins

Mostly Walkers, a Miller and a Snavely :-)

Adison, Adalie and Jordyn

They hiked almost the whole way holding hands.

Josie and I sporting our family shirts.  That's right,
we have shirts.....and we sing! 

Sweet, sweet girls

More summer fun

Yes, it's May 2013. Yes, these pictures are from last summer. I will claim technical difficulties and procrastination, but here goes to the return to the blog. :-)
Sandy's first batch of pickles. So fun and so yummy! 

Addi was helping my "cook" by stirring the compost bowl :-)
Poor Josie. It's rough to be in the carrier with a short mama because
I keep smooshing her up against the counter....sorry baby. 

Addi helped me make soap. The pictures didn't show up very well
because the soap was clear :-) She is sporting some 18 month jammies
in this picture. Such a silly monkey. 

"Seriously Mama?" 

Happy Josie 

Addi found her hat and thought she'd try it on Josie. Josie is amused...