Saturday, February 28, 2009

End of February Pictures

Here are some of the pictures from the last week.

Addi's favorite activity...chewing on her own foot

More crackers please

Such a happy girl

So happy

So tired

This is one of my favorites. Adalie had dropped her pacifier
on the floor - she was so tired that she just set her
head down on the chair and stared at it.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Getting ready to crawl?

I have really enjoyed "the slug stage" where Addi hasn't really be able to move very far. She sits and scoots a little. Mostly, she's pretty content. If she can't reach a toy, she just moves onto something else. Tonight, I put her down on her tummy after her bath. I looked down and she was on her knees. I congratulated her and took as many pictures as possible. These would be great in a picture flip book. I'm afraid this is the beginning of the end of her not moving...we need to get gate...hmmm!

Laughing Adalie

Adalie thinks that Papa is so very funny. She was eating/not eating
her prunes when Sandy started dropping it from the spoon to the
bowl - so funny! :-)

Bath Time


Yes, it has been quite awhile since the last post! Here are some of our favorite photos of Addi. She's growing and growing. She learning how to feed herself. Right now she really enjoys pears, avocados, black beans and blueberries. Sandy and I are doing well also - though we don't seem to have pictures of us...hmmm! We've been enjoying the warmer weather and are bracing for the rain we're supposed to get this week. Hopefully, we'll be a little better with the blogging (no promises, though).

Looking at herself in the mirror (such an
artistic photo) good job Papa!

Addi's sweet overalls

Adalie loves to feed herself. One of her favorite treats is called
a Mum-Mum! She's such a happy eater.

Yeah, she's a watch model.

Addi with her favorite bath toy...yummm!

She loves her bath time.

Fun with post-its

Adalie loves chewing on everything. She is also very bendy. So, she
chews on her feet. Grammy got her a pair of little shoes - it's like having
a toy on her foot. She just bends in half and nibbles away.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Elusive Laugh

Addi is somewhat of a silent laugher. We work hard to get some sound out of her laughs because it is the best sound ever. She also loves wiggly toes. In this video, Sandy is shaking his foot at her, which is apparently the funniest thing ever :-)

Everyday Fun

Where's Addi?

Summary of January

It's hard to believe that January is over! It's been such a blur of getting back to work and dealing with winter colds. Adalie is changing in really fun ways now. She's getting more attentive and interactive. She now reaches for us when we're sitting on the floor - usually to chew on whatever part of us is within reach (feet, knees, hands, face). She loves sitting up and has started scooting. She doesn't go very far, but it's still amazing to watch. Every once in a while, she'll lean too far forward (which is impressive because she can pretty comfortably fold in half) - and she'll tip over. She doesn't seem to mind very much. She just rolls over and goes on with life.
Adalie also hasn't started crawling. She more or less annoyed by being on her tummy and much prefers to sit. When she is on her tummy, she just rolls to her back...every time. We don't mind so much as it means she's still basically immoble. There will be plenty of time for crawling/scooting and walking later.
Sandy and I are both feeling a little isolated - a product of being sick - and are very eager to interact with friends again. Sandy's parents were here in the beginning of January and mine are coming to visit this next week. We are very thankful that Addi is getting great time with her grandparents. We have also recently joined the world of the webcam. Addi has been interacting suprisingly well with both sets of grandparents. She smiles and reaches for them. Technology is a wonderful thing.

Can you believe it? She's 7-months old

Such a happy girl

Eating a cracker...a whole cracker

Addi loves her feet. She loves to hold them and
chew on them

She's getting ready to be an Olympic diver.

Bright eyes

Seven months old