Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Fun

After traveling so many hours, we enjoyed a whole week in Walla Walla. These pictures are some of the highlights.
Addi in the sink


Such a happy girl in the sink

Sandy and Addi at the piano

Adalie playing

Sweet Adalie in her Christmas dress

The whole family

All of the stockings - we grew up with these and now are adding
our new people as they join the family.

Heather and Tim

Cami and Dave

Nicole, Sandy and Adalie

Nicole and Addi in their Christmas pjs

Tim and Heather

Sandy, Dave and Adalie

Mom (Grammy)

Adalie's favorite present - ribbon
Addi's new hat

Adalie's strawberry hat from Aunt Cami

Everyone gathered for Christmas dinner - our family
tradition = Christmas steaks...yummmm!
Grammy, Cami, Dave, Nana, Pappy, Grandad, Nicole, Adalie, Sandy, Heather and Tim


Sandy, Adalie and I set out to drive to Walla Walla on December 21st. I-84 across the state was closed due to snow and ice. My brother-in-law found an alternate route using a road that goes around the south side of Mt. Hood. The short version is that we left at 10:30 in the morning and arrived in Walla Walla shortly after 10:30 at night (it usually takes about 5 1/2 hours). The highlights include my locking Addi in the car at a rest stop - thank goodness Sandy carries an extra key in his wallet. I was so close to breaking the window. Also, both of our tire chains broke during our drive. At one point in our drive we were stopped in the right-hand lane of 84, while Sandy took off the final broken chain. All was well, however, because there were no other cars.
Addi did an amazing job and saved her grumpy self for when we arrived in Walla Walla. She and I were up 'til 1:30 :-) When we woke up, we were able to look out and see all of the snow. My parents had about two feet - definitely the most in memory.

Some of the icicles forked - very cool

A Christmas view out of the front window

The roof of the deck

The front window from inside. We waited and watched
as the icicle grew and grew and eventually
connected to the ground.

Front window from the outside

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Six Months

Adalie is six months old today! As I write this she is attempted to scoot across the floor. It turns out that she does not like being on her tummy, but she is an excellent sitter. So, she's trying to scoot. It's amazing to me how much she grown and learned in the last six months. Those months have flown by. It'll be summer before I know it. I just wanted to let you all know about her six month appointment yesterday. Her are her stats:

Height: 26" - 61%
Weight: 17lbs. - 71%
Head: 17.5" - 93% (she's got a big noggin)

She managed her shots quite well, though was her typical, fussy self afterwords. She slept through the night, which we love so very much. We're settling in to a sleep schedule, which we're pretty excited about - though we have doubt it will change. I (Nicole) am enjoying my second snow day - I absolutely love being home with her.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow Day...Hurray!

We started hearing about a possible snow day last Thursday. On Friday, as the teachers left, we all said, "See you on Tuesday." I feared that we had jinxed ourselves. My fears were on their way to being confirmed last night. Before going to bed, I looked out of my window...nothing. I thought, "Ah, well, maybe next time." :-) Addi decided that 1:45-3:00 was a good time to be awake. I looked out the window and..hurray...snow. I was hopeful, but not for sure. Then, we were up again at 5:00. This time I turned on the news. As the school closures slowly crawled across the screen, I waited patiently. Then, there it was. School was closed! Whoo-hoo. I get to have another day home with Sandy and Adalie. These are my very favorite days. I've been able to work on some Christmas presents while she's sleeping. Then, when she's awake, we've been chronicling her adventures. I hope that you too have a snow day...enjoy!

Yes, this is Addi eating Sandy's (clean) sock.

She means it. She sort of bites things like a shark.

Someday I am going to get a lecture about this hat. Addi
will say, "Mom, seriously?" The whole outfit/blanekt combo
is less than ideal - I will admit. I was just caught up
in the excitement of seeing snow....maybe she'll buy it.

Girl knows she's hip

Adalie and Sandy

Adalie and Nicole


Here are some pictures of Addi...I know it's a huge surprise that we've posted pictures of her. She's just so darn cute :-) Enjoy!

Adalie has officially discovered her feet. She
loves to grab them and hold on to them. They
haven't quite made it into the mouth yet, but we'll see.

She's a styles icon just like her mama :-)

Sometimes Addi rolls over and gets stuck. She was not
very pleased that the baby gym had trapped her.

This picture is for Amy

Addi intent on eatiner her stacking balls.