Happy late Easter! Sandy and I chose this weekend to go on a vacation. It had been a very long time since we had been able to go on a vacation. We decided to take advantage of our coinciding spring breaks to get away (before the baby comes :-) We drove up to Lincoln City on Saturday morning. We arrived several hours before we could check in to our hotel. We hit up the Outlets...so fun. They don't have any maternity stores, but I had fun shopping for Sandy and the baby. Also, the Eddie Bauer outlet does not have public bathrooms, but if you look really pregnant, they'll let you use the staff bathroom (thank goodness). We then went and checked in to our hotel. It's right on the beach and our room had a partial view - which means that we are on the side of the building. We could see the ocean from our room, but we could also we all of the people who walked past. It's a great little place and has recently been remodeled. All in all it was the perfect getaway. We did laugh when we walked in because there were rose petals all over the place :-)
After checking in, we then went to look for the tidepools. This summer I (Nicole) had a family reunion in Lincoln City. Uncle Paul took us all to some great tide pools. So, we went hunting for them and found them hurray! Note to self - tide pools are way more fun in the summer. I pretty much stayed off the rocks because I didn't want to fall. Sandy, who loves to hunt for things, scurried all over them. I amused myself by looking for shells to use in a mosaic project back home. I also took pictures of whatever was around (including my belly - pictures below). After the tide pools, we went back to the hotel.
Easter dawned a very wet, windy day. We spent most of the day inside being lazy. We've discovered that having a whole day devoted to laziness is wonderful because by the end of the day we're really ready to do anything else. We are very productive following lazy days.
On Monday we drove up to Portland to Ikea for a scouting mission. We'll hopefully be going back on Friday. I'll be posting some more pictures this week of (mostly Sandy) building fun stuff for the baby's room.
Our little hotel room...with roses!

Sandy and I on the beach!

Sandy on the beach. I LOVE this photo.
(It's his CD cover shot :-)

Sandy in silhouette
Me and the belly

Ooohhh, pretty water

I had planned on taking a picture of my feet.
Here's what I saw!

There they are. I had to lean over a bit to find them :-)