This is a belated entry about last week and this weekend. I have all of this glorious time because all the schools in Lane County are closed - which means no work for me! I should say all the schools in Lane County are closed EXCEPT U of O which is why Sandy is not writing this. Poor Sandy still has school :-(
Well, onto the report. The first big thing that happend this week was that I felt Peanut move! I was sitting at work and there s/he was. It felt like someone was gently poking my tummy from the inside. Since then I've felt P alot - usually late morning and late afternoon. S/he's just pokin' around in there having a blast. We're excited for this next week because on Wednesday we get to find out if we're having a girl peanut or a boy peanut. We'll be sure to let you know (hurray for settling on a pronoun!
The weekend began with our friends Brad and Jen coming to visit from Portland. We hung out on Friday night - it was pretty mellow because I am still recovering from being sick. They are two of my dearest friends and I love when we get to spend time together. On Saturday Brad went off to teach at a leadership conference while Jen and I went to Katrina's. We had a blast at her Arbonne party; my feet and hands are still so very soft :-) She made amazing goodies - for a recipe for her (now) world famous coffee cake muffins, please see the Henry's blog. After goodies and pampering, Jen and I went to the Glenwood to meet Brad and Jolyn. The morning was so fun and I was sooooo tired after lunch. Brad and Jen took off back up to Portland and I was lazy some more :-)
On Sunday we woke up to real snow! It's just sooo pretty and it reminds me of home! After church while Sandy was at work, I went over to Jon and Amy's for our annual snow day. We played outside and I took Amy for a practice drive in the snow.
Which brings us to today. I am thankful for a snow day as I will be able to get caught up on some much delayed paperwork and some things around the house! Hurray for snow!!!!
Me, Brad and Jen - soooo pretty!

Sunday Morning - Still Snowing!

Sandy and I outside (still in our slippers)
standing on the edge of our pretty, pretty snow.

Reading to Ethan and Macey!